Spanish Phone Conversations

Search Results

# Title Topic Level Language Audio/iPod
21 Sending Packages Oversees t03 - Communications Honduran play ipod
22 Shipment Options t03 - Communications Honduran play ipod
23 Computer Habits t03 - Communications Honduran play ipod
24 Favorite Actors and Actresses t03 - Communications Honduran play ipod
25 Telephone Service t03 - Communications Honduran play ipod
26 TV Programs t03 - Communications Honduran play ipod
27 Junk Mail t03 - Communications Honduran play ipod
28 Buying Computers to Kids t03 - Communications Honduran play ipod
29 Censoring Advertisement t03 - Communications Honduran play ipod
30 Time Spent Watching TV t03 - Communications Honduran play ipod
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